There is no objective standard for right and wrong even if a God did exist.
Objective standard. There is none, I would agree with that.
God's morality is nothing more than an opinion backed up by absolute power.
I would agree with that as well, although some who believe in imaginery friends might argue that "the creator knows what is best for his creations." Much like how an auto maker tells you run this type of gasoline in this model and this type of oil.
Might does not make right. Nothing makes "right."
Above you state there is no objective standard for right and wrong, so how can Might, or anything for that matter, make right or wrong. So if might doesn't make right, it doesn't make wrong either, it just is. Nothing makes wrong either.
Our ethics are a branch of our aesthetics -- personal preferences nothing more.
Yep. They differ all over the planet, although we have a lot in common there are a lot of differences, although I think soon enough as we continue down the road of globalazation, we will get closer and closer to agreeing.
So if there is no objective right and wrong, then everything is 'just ok' or 'just is', therefore rule by might is just ok and a non-objective standard just is. Seeing past polarazation is a real mind-twist.